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Millennial Therapist and Wellness Coach for the Modern World.

Being a millennial adult, you thought you’d have it all figured out by now, right?

But instead, it seems like you always think or feel the “wrong” thing and no one seems to understand what you’re going through. It seems so easy for everyone else, but you find yourself constantly self-questioning and you don’t know what to do or where to turn. 

Sound familiar?

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As an adult, you didn’t think you’d still be struggling by now. Your self-confidence, life direction, relationships, friendships – it’s all still stressful and overwhelming. It feels like you never say or do the right thing and are left feeling bad and misunderstood. In comparison to others, they seem to have it all figured out and for some reason it’s more difficult for you.

And to make it worse, they all seem to have an opinion about how or what you should be doing differently -- like you’re missing some magical piece of the puzzle or like there’s something wrong with you. This only makes it more confusing and frustrating and you’re left feeling more lost and low than you did before.

You find yourself replaying things you said or did over and over in your mind, agonizing over decisions you’ve made. You try to logic and reason with yourself to make sense of it all, but the anxious thoughts and feelings just never go away. 

No matter what you do, you end up consumed by negative spiraling thoughts and the self-questioning never ends. It’s exhausting and feels helpless wondering if things will ever change.

You’ve tried talking to your friends.
You’ve tried to distract yourself and just “get over it”.
You’ve tried to have gratitude and think more positively.
Nothing seems to work.

You’ve even tried self-help books and follow influencers and listen to podcasts – hoping to find a way to be more happy and confident without being paralyzed by self-doubt. Sometimes it seems like you’ll never feel good and will never feel “good enough”.

At Centered Wellness – we get it and we’re here to help. Click the link below to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation and gain the confidence and clarity you need to take back control of your life.

If you're tired of feeling stuck in self-doubt
 and overwhelm, you're in the right place. 

I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor & Life Coach specializing in helping millennials and young adults to live their best lives. As someone who knows how terrible it feels to be stuck in a cycle you desperately want to break free from, it’s my passion to help others stop feeling paralyzed in daily life and start living the life they deserve.

You deserve to be free from relentless self doubt. You deserve to start experiencing more joy and happiness in life. You deserve to feel more connection and confidence in yourself and your relationships.

As a therapist and wellness coach with a decade of experience, I will help guide you in your unique growth journey and create a safe, supportive environment where you can learn how to increase your self-awareness and develop a happier, more well-balanced life path that’s right for you.

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Finally feel at peace and in control of your life...

Finally feel confident in yourself and your relationships...

Finally feel clear in your goals and life direction...

Finally feel free from your spiraling thoughts and overwhelm...

In our work together, the kinds of results you may experience are:

Finally feel confident in yourself and your decisions...

In our work together, our first step will be to help relieve you of all the pesky “shoulds” in life that keep you stuck in unwanted cycles. We’ll do this by really digging into understanding what you value most and what’s important to you so we can help you clarify what you really need and redefine what it means to be truly “you”.

We’ll talk about what’s healthy and what’s not. We’ll talk about what works and what doesn’t, and we’ll make sure we get you on a path to start making the changes you need to feel confident in your decisions and better communicate with clarity and ease.

We want you to feel good about who you are and where you are in life -- and that’s exactly what our goal is to do.

Explore the services here.

My Services

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Let's start here

free 15-minute phone consultation

I work with people who have various concerns, goals and needs. Consultations help us to identify these as well as answer any questions you many have regarding services. 

Individual therapy session

Individual Therapy Sessions typically run 45-60 minutes and vary depending on the goals and needs of services. Click Here to Make an Appointment!

Individual life coaching session

Individual Life Coaching Sessions typically run 30-60 minutes and vary depending on the goals and needs of services. 

Virtual session

Obtain the support you need from the comfort of your own home with Virtual Sessions. Available to all Florida residents seeking Individual Counseling and/or Life Coaching services. Life Coaching services available online to all those residing in the United States.


Click here to learn more about each service we offer.





As we help you create a path that honors what you value most, you’ll learn the knowledge, skills, and tools you need to feel empowered and confident in navigating your thoughts, feelings, and your relationships.
You don’t have to stay stuck in self doubt or spiraling thoughts any longer. We’re here to help. Schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation today and see if we’re the right fit for you.

HowI can help you



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and genuinely cares for



Lauren at Centered Wellness 


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