Millennial Therapy 101

How To Find a Therapist for Millennials

in St. Petersburg

Finding the right therapist can feel almost impossible at times. You might be thinking, “Where do I even start? How do I know if they’re the right therapist for me?”. The whole process can feel overwhelming on top of what you’re already struggling with in the first place.

But look no further – here are 5 helpful guidelines to help you navigate this process and understand the next steps.

Step 1: Ask Yourself What is the Most Important to You.

  1. Do you prefer sessions in person or online (or mix of both)?
  2. What types of qualities are you looking for in a therapist (easy going, directive, has a sense of humor, feels relatable, compassionate, tough love attitude, etc.)?
  3. What aspects of their location are important to you (distance from your home or work, located in a low traffic area, located in a certain neighborhood or district, etc.)?
  4. Is it more important for the cost to fit a specific budget or is it more important the therapist feels like the right fit?
  5. Are you open to considering private pay if it’s the right person or are you banking on using your insurance? If insurance, be sure to contact your insurance directly to find out your copay and coverage.
  6. What hours of operation does the therapist need to fit your schedule?
  7. What are the primary areas of focus you want the therapist to help you with (e.g. anxiety, depression, learning healthy boundaries, relationship communication, friendship struggles, etc.)?
  8. Do you have a specific therapy approach you are already interested in (e.g. cognitive behavioral therapy, integrative holistic, solution-focused, etc.)?

*Note: You do not need to know specific therapeutic approaches to find the right therapist for you.

By having an idea of what’s important, you can create a solid foundation to start your search. Just remember, you don’t need to find the perfect person right away, you can be flexible in your search and figure out what works best for you. Everything won’t be a perfect match and that’s ok. Be open to exploring – see what feels right for you.

Step 2: Use a Directory Search or Search Engine to Start. A good place to start your search is by filtering using location or zip code. If location is important to you, a great way to start your search is just by simply typing in your zip code to a directory. Here are some great directory resources that can help connect your location with some therapists in your area.

  5. Google search (or other search engine) using keywords plus your zip code for therapists in your area can also provide you with options to start.

*Helpful hints! Try typing in: “mental health counselor 33701”, “licensed therapist for anxiety near me” or “therapist 33701”

Step 3: It’s time to Schedule Your Consultations. Yes, more than one! Does that surprise you? Just like getting a second opinion at a doctor’s office, people often do the same with their therapist. Especially when it’s new for you. I would recommend getting at least 2-3 different consultations so you can get a feel of the therapist’s approach, style, personality and see what fits with you. Don’t worry if you’re a little bit nervous about beginning this process, new beginnings are always a little uncomfortable. It will help to come with a few questions ready.

Step 4: Prepare for the Consultation. To help calm your nerves and be sure you’re focusing on what is most important to you, take notes on the top 3 reasons why you are seeking a therapist in the first place. These things can be the main goals, what you’re looking for in a therapist, things you want to explore, challenges that have been on your mind, or whatever brings you in. My best advice is to keep it light and brief. Think of this as a handshake with a potential therapist. Don’t feel pressure to explain your life story or every issue that you’re having. This would also be a great time to let them know if you have any special requests (e.g. approaches, insurance, etc.). Have a pen and paper ready for the call! It’s always great to have notes to reflect on. Here’s a cheat sheet to help get you started!

Step 5: Let’s Set your Expectations for the Process.

  • Remember, this meeting is not about getting solutions, it’s about telling the therapist your goals and getting a feel for their approach and personality.
  • During the consult, ask yourself — do you feel comfortable talking to them? Do you feel like you have the potential of opening up? Do you feel heard? These are great ways to learn if they’re a good fit for you.
  • Once you find someone you want to try or enjoy talking with, it often can be 2-4 weeks until you can schedule your first appointment so keep in mind this is a process that takes patience.

Now that you have all the tips and tools to get started, are you feeling ready to reach out? I would love to welcome you to Centered Wellness where we specialize in millennial mental health and wellness in an open, warm environment. Join us at our downtown St. Pete office where I can help you begin to take control of your life, move away from the places you are stuck, and create healthier life patterns for you to thrive.

Our focus is cognitive behavioral and integrative holistic, which means a focus on developing healthy thinking, creating life balance and changing patterns of behavior to support your needs. Our specialties are: goal building, letting go of people pleasing behaviors, healing generational trauma, boundary development, healthy communication, building strong relationships, developing life balance, creating healthy mutual friendships, anxiety relief and management, identifying and removing toxic relationships and replacing them with healthier ones — to name a few.

If you’re ready, I would love to connect. You don’t have to feel stuck or overwhelmed in where to start any longer. Reach out and I would love to help you start your journey. Click here to schedule a free 15 minute consultation today!

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Centered Wellness  LLC
Lauren Hurd MA | LMHC
St. Petersburg, Florida

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